Deliverables for VERBE project (1 September 2022 - 1 December 2026; 4 years 3 months duration):

 In the following table all deliverables, their deadline, and the responsible institutes are given. The overall responsibility lies with Martine De Mazière.

Table showing the work packages and its respective delivery time schedule


 WP 1 Coordination, project management and reporting

Task 1.1 Scientific coordination of the project (BIRA-IASB, all)
Virtual meetings with all partners to coordinate the project’s scientific activities, at least every 4 months
    ➢ D1.1.1 Project meeting minutes, information, data and documents exchange via private project Website (M4, M8, M12, …M44)

Task 1.2 Project management and annual reporting (BIRA-IASB, all)
Interfacing with technical officer at BELSPO, organisation of annual meetings, including a representative of the BRAIN-2 programme from BELSPO, the partners and the Follow-Up Committee, and the publishing of annual reports
    ➢ D1.2.1 – D1 .2.4 Annual project meetings and reports (M12, M24, M36, M48)

 WP 2 Consultation with stakeholders

Task 2.1 Clarification of stakeholders needs (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège)
    ➢ D2.1.1 Technical Note on GHG uncertainties in Belgium and stakeholders needs (M4)

Task 2.2 Meetings with stakeholders for advice and feedback (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège)
    ➢ D2.2.2 – D2.2.4 Minutes of meeting (M12; M24; M36; M42)
 WP 3 Network design study

Task 3.1 Preliminary identification of optimal locations in Belgium for implementing atmospheric GHG observations (UAntwerpen, ULiège, BIRA-IASB)
    ➢ D3.1.1 Preliminary design of atmospheric observations network (Technical Note) (M8)

Task 3.2 Planning of campaign location(s) and instruments for atmospheric observations of GHG (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège)
    ➢ D3.2.1 Campaign Implementation Plan – version 1 (M10)
    ➢ D3.2.2 Campaign Implementation Plan – version 2 (M28)
 WP 4 Implementation of atmospheric observations on a campaign basis

Task 4.1 Campaign 1 : preparation, implementation and analysis of data (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège, LSCE)
    ➢ D4.1.1 Quality controlled L1 and L2 data for CO2, CH4, CO and N2O from campaign 1 ready for archive, exploitation and public release (M25)
    ➢ D4.1.2 Analysis of campaign-1 data together with complementary data and preliminary results (M28)

Task 4.2 Campaign 2 : preparation, implementation and analysis of data (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège, LSCE)
    ➢ D4.2.1 Quality controlled L1 and L2 data for CO2, CH4, CO and N2O from campaign 2 ready for archive, exploitation and public release (M42)
    ➢ D4.2.2 Analysis of campaign-2 data together with complementary data and preliminary results (M45)
 WP 5 Implementation of inverse modelling framework built on WRF-GHG

Task 5.1 Development and implementation of inverse modelling system based on WRF-GHG optimized for Belgium (BIRA-IASB, UAntwerpen, ULiège, DLR)
    ➢ D5.1.1 VPRM parameters optimized for Belgium (M18)
    ➢ D5.1.2 Reference simulations of 4D fields of GHG (CO2, CH4, CO) above Belgium (M20)
    ➢ D5.1.3 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CH4 based on available satellite data (M26)
    ➢ D5.1.4 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CO2 based on available satellite data (M30)

WP 6: Towards verification/adjustment of emission inventories for target GHG

Task 6.1: Exploitation of campaign data and all available complementary data for improving evaluation of emission sources /sinks impacting GHG abundances above Belgium (All)

Data for CO will be included in the study to support the distinction between anthropogenic and biogenic emissions; however they are not considered to be a target gas.

    ➢ D6.1.1 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CH4 based on all available data including campaign-1 data (M30)
    ➢ D6.1.2 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CO2 based on all available data including campaign-1 data (M34)
    ➢ D6.1.3 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CH4 based on all available data including campaign-1 and campaign-2 data (M45)
    ➢ D6.1.4 Derivation of a posteriori emissions of CO2 based on all available data including campaign-1 and campaign-2 data (M46)
    ➢ D6.1.5 Assessment of N2O observations capacity (M47)

Task 6.2: Comparisons between derived emissions and available flux data at Belgian ICOS stations (UAntwerpen, ULIège)
    ➢ D6.2.1 Assessment of a posteriori (derived) emissions including campaign-1 data versus available flux data for CH4 and CO2 (M35)
    ➢ D6.2.2 Assessment of a posteriori (derived) emissions including campaign-1 and campaign-2 data versus available flux data for CH4 and CO2 (M47)

 WP 7: Design of a future GHG emission monitoring and verification support (MVS) capacity for Belgium (All)

Task 7.1 Assessment of ensemble of results
    ➢ D7.1.1 Assessment of current MVS capacity for CH4, CO2 and N2O (Technical Note) (M48)
    ➢ D7.1.2 Roadmap towards the implementation of a more powerful and sustainable CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions MVS capacity for Belgium (M48)
WP 8: Data management (All)

Task 8.1 Data collection, storage and dissemination compliant with the data management plan (BIRA-IASB, ULiège, UAntwerpen)
    ➢ D8.1.1-D8.1.4 Yearly updates of data management plan (DMP) (M13, M25, M37, M48)
    ➢ D8.1.5 Final project results (data and technical reports) published in open access – in compliance with DMP (BIRA-IASB; M48)

WP 9: Valorisation / Dissemination / Exploitation of results (All)

Task 9.1 Outreach activities.
This task includes:
- implementation and maintenance of project Website, including short news articles
- outreach via social media (facebook, Twitter) and educational events
- scientific communications at (inter)national symposia and workshops, and peer-reviewed publications about the project’s results
- outreach to the scientific communities and stakeholders via the ICOS Newsletters, Belgian and European websites (led by UA)
- presentation of final outcomes to Belgian, European Research Infrastructure and Copernicus stakeholders

    ➢ D9.1 Public project website (M4 with continuous maintenance) and outreach to society in general (continuously)
    ➢ D9.2 Scientific communications about project results at (inter)national symposia and workshops; peer-reviewed publications in international journals (continuously).
    ➢ D9.3 Outreach event for stakeholders, including Belgian, European Research Infrastructure and Copernicus stakeholders (M46).